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Carbon Neutrality & The Oil Industry


How Can The Oil Industry Achieve Carbon Neutrality By 2050?

Recently, we have seen a shift in the environmental focus not only in the US but around the globe. Now, more than ever, being carbon neutral is being zeroed in on by countries around the world. Worldwide governments and big businesses are looking for ways to expand solar, water, geothermal, and wind industries in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. However, they’re overlooking an opportunity to achieve this through the most cost-effective and easiest way possible.

The oil industry has the answer already. When it comes to heating homes, carbon neutrality can be achieved by 2050 by using our BioPure™ heating oil. In this article, we will closely look at BioPure™ fuel oil as well as its ability to make a huge transformation throughout the New England residential heating industry. We’ll discuss, in greater detail, the following topics found below:

  • Carbon Neutrality — The Ultimate Goal
  • Bioheat® fuel to Achieve Carbon Emissions of Net Zero by 2050
  • Stages of Development of a Carbon-Free Future

Keep reading to learn more regarding these very important topics.

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The Providence Resolution Has Set 2050 As Its Goal For Reaching Carbon Neutrality

In 2019 something amazing happened. The heating industry in the Northeast came together and agreed to what they affectionately refer to as the Providence Resolution, essentially a solemn vow among those in the industry.

The Northeast Industry Summit was held at the HEAT Show held in Providence at the Rhode Island Convention Center. It was during this summit that the heating industry came together, and with one voice, vowed to reach net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2050.

The best part is?

They will not only achieve this monumental goal, but they will also do it before their deadline of 2050, they’ve already set the schedule. They will follow a specific schedule for reducing carbon admissions in set intervals leading up to 2050.

The schedule they’ve agreed on is as follows:

  • By 2023, a reduction of carbon emissions by 15%
  • In the year 2030, a reduction of carbon emissions by 40%
  • By 2050, net-zero carbon emissions

Is this a serious plan? Or are carbon emissions of net-zero too ambitious to reach in 30 years?

It might seem too good to be true, but experts in the field have been working hard trying to find a solution for this problem using biodiesel and ULSHO. The good news is, they’ve made some impressive inroads already.

Learn about the plan as well as more details below.

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Carbon Neutrality – The Ultimate Goal

At its core, the goal of reaching carbon neutrality is a combination of balancing the emitting of carbons and the atmosphere absorbing them from carbon sinks.

How can this be achieved?

The main method of achieving carbon neutrality is to remove carbon C02 from the atmosphere. Then, the C02 must be stored using a process called carbon sequestration.

In order to reach this level of carbon neutrality and net-zero carbon emissions, carbon sequestration must be used to provide a counterbalance for greenhouse gas emissions.

A better solution is carbon offsetting.

With carbon offsetting, we can reduce carbon emissions as well as achieve carbon neutrality much faster through a process of reducing or offsetting the amount of carbon that is produced during home heating.

How can this be possible? It can be possible by utilizing renewable energy sources for heating homes. Specifically, heating homes by utilizing a combination of ULSHO and biodiesel.

This will allow less carbon to be emitted into the atmosphere simply by switching to this type of heat source. The best way the New England residents can help reach a net-zero emissions goal is by utilizing our liquid renewable fuel, known as BioPure™ home heating oil.

Do you want to know the best part?

In New England, Townsend Energy is already hard at work lowering carbon emissions. Our liquid renewable fuel called BioPure™ heating oil is already being delivered by Townsend Energy.

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Reaching Net Zero Carbon Emissions with BioPure™ Heating Oil by 2050

You might think that reaching this goal sounds good on the surface; however, you might be wondering specifically how BioPure™ fuel oil can help accomplish net-zero carbon emissions while meeting our goal for 2050.

This is definitely something to consider. And it certainly deserves a well-reasoned response.

Fortunately, BioPure™ home heating oil offers versatility and a number of excellent ways that will help in lowering carbon emissions — eventually, it will even help eliminate them altogether.

They include:

Lowering Carbon Emissions

A lot of people fail to understand the importance of a heating fuel that is liquid and renewable. This important liquid heating fuel provides the only source like it that is able to lower carbon emissions.

The blending of ULSHO and biodiesel has allowed the oil industry to develop a heating fuel for homes that can incorporate renewable energy sources in order to cut down, and eventually cut out, carbon emissions.

At this time, experts in the oil industry have a blended heating oil that uses 20% biodiesel. This is known as a B20 blend, and compared to petroleum diesel, it is able to lower carbon emissions significantly.

It’s Made with Biodiesel, a Renewable Energy Source

farm field

Biodiesel is the essential green energy ingredient used in Townend Energy’s BioPure™ heating oil.

Why is this?

The National Biodiesel Board says that biodiesel is a source of renewable energy because it is made using agricultural byproducts such as used cooking oil, canola, tallow soybean oil, corn oil, and fats. Then these fats are converted into a source of fuel that can be used for heating your home.

Currently, the oil industry remains diligent in creating blends that are even more powerful. By the time 2050 arrives, it is the goal that existing heating systems will be able to handle a B100 blend, a source of liquid fuel that is made solely from agricultural byproducts that are renewable.

Why wait? You can start now by taking steps to lower your carbon footprint. Every one of our customers is already using BioPure™ home heating oil, a biofuel that is environmentally friendly that does not come with additional cost.

Order BioPure™ Today: (978) 717-0490

No Heating Equipment Replacement Is Required

biopure truck

The ability to achieve net-zero carbon emissions with a deadline of 2050 does present some financial concerns. The US government, currently, is working diligently to reduce carbon emissions. However, they are failing to be fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ money.

Today, “electrification” offers a significant improvement. The idea behind this is to switch all heating systems over to heat pump technology that runs on electricity. The drawback is it would be an expensive endeavor for many homeowners.

Your home will need an entirely new heating system that is electric. Additionally, you have the expense of paying to have your current oil heating system removed along with the high expense of installing your newly purchased electric heat pump.

The average homeowner could spend $18,500 or more to switch to an electrical heating system from their existing oil heat. Are you able to pay this high cost?

An obvious solution would be to continue using your current heating system while still moving towards 2050 and net-zero carbon emissions. Our liquid renewable fuel is a great solution to this problem because changing your heating system to new equipment and the resulting expenses won’t be necessary.

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A Carbon-Free Future Using BioPure™ Fuel Oil — Stages of Development

A man in workwear smiles

The heating oil industry currently has a four-stage plan in place to reach the 2050 goal of eliminating carbon emissions. Their exceptional scientists and technicians are meticulously working towards achieving this huge task.

And the good news is, we’re right on target to meet this goal.

The four stages include the following:

  • Current Stage: Currently, according to NESCAUM, the biodiesel industry serves customers with the biodiesel fuel commonly known as B10. It is a product that contains 10% biodiesel. The biodiesel fuel, B10 reduces C02, Mercury emissions, SOx emissions, and particulate matter.
  • By 2023: During this stage, the biodiesel industry will mainly serve B20 biodiesel fuel to customers. This product contains 20% biodiesel and can reduce carbon emissions by 14.6% It can also reduce GHG emissions better than natural gas. We’ve already been delivering B20 fuel to our customers for quite a while.
  • By 2030: Over the coming 8 years, experts in the industry will continue developing a 50% biodiesel fuel, known as B50. This blend would eliminate carbon by an incredible 4.29 million metric tons while eliminating the necessity for heating oil by 500 million gallons. As of now, we are expected to be able to beat the industry’s goal of 2030 for the delivery of B50 biodiesel fuel.
  • By 2050: We have the goal in sight. The oil industry will have a fuel source that is 100% biodiesel and will work in already existing home oil heating systems. The liquid fuel will have the ability to reduce C02 emissions by an incredible 8.9 million metric tons, abolishing the need for a billion gallons of home heating oil.

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Government agencies and many large businesses are clearly missing a huge opportunity. They have the economic and environmental value of using liquid renewable fuel to reduce and eliminate harmful greenhouse gases.

Call Townsend Energy To Schedule A BioPure™ Heating Oil Delivery


Please call Townsend Energy to learn more about switching to BioPure™ fuel oil throughout New England. We can immediately start providing you with more efficient, cleaner, and environmentally-friendly home heating oil instead of your regular heating oil. You’ll also be doing your part in helping to preserve this wonderful planet for future generations by lowering your carbon emissions.

Call Now: (978) 717-0490

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