Preventive Measures to Avoid Frozen Pipes
As you are aware, New England is notorious for extended periods of frigid weather. Predictions are that we may see record-breaking low temperatures this winter and that this below normal pattern may be with us for quite some time.
Before the cold weather hits, it is important that you think about your normal habits for heating your house. You need to be certain that you are not putting your property at risk to have pipes freeze. Most do not think about the fact that most of their heating pipes, and very often their plumbing pipes, are on outside walls and thermostats are always on an inside wall. Being aware of this can result in a significant difference between the room temperature at the thermostat location and where pipes are on the cold exterior walls. Below, we share some tips to prevent frozen pipes in your home.
Explore Our HVAC Services Call To Schedule A Free, In-Home ConsultationPreventive Measures To Avoid Frozen Pipes
In this article, we discuss some useful tips you can follow to prevent frozen pipes in your home.
Thermostat Temperature
Keep your thermostats set at the same temperature both day and night in all areas of the house. If you normally turn back the thermostats at night, discontinue that practice until temperatures are moderate. It is advisable to even keep the temperature of your home warmer during extremely cold periods.
Wood Stoves
If you have a wood stove, be careful not to fool the thermostat into thinking there is plenty of warmth in the house. That could lead to frozen pipes on the outside walls. It is best to shut off the stove and use your central heating system until temperatures are moderate.
Call Today: (978) 717-0490Keep Doors Open
Do not isolate rooms by closing doors. This can make those areas much more likely to freeze.
Water Pipes
If you have water pipes that you think might be prone to freezing, let the hot and cold water drip overnight. For flowing water to freeze, the temperature would have to be exceptionally cold.
Explore Our Heating Services Call To Schedule A Free ConsultationKitchen Cabinets
Open doors to kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities to allow better air circulation. This way, they receive the warm air from your central heating system and this is an excellent way to prevent frozen pipes.
Air Leaks
Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents, and piping and seal them up. Small openings, especially if windy conditions exist, can allow enough cold air in to freeze a pipe. Furthermore, by keeping the cold air out, you can use less energy and save on home heating costs. Overall, it is a win-win situation.
Pipe Insulation
Insulate pipes that are in crawl spaces or in areas that could be prone to freezing.
Call To Schedule An Appointment: (978) 717-0490Garage
Keep your garage doors closed in case there are pipes in that area or in the ceiling or walls that could freeze.
Vacant Home
If your house is going to be unoccupied or vacant for any period of time, it is your responsibility to make sure you have an adequate supply of fuel and arrange for temperature monitoring of your home.
Either have a friend or neighbor check your house daily or set up electronic temperature monitoring while the house is empty. If you are going to be away from your home do not turn the thermostat down too low.
Additional Resources
For more resources on safety during frigid cold weather please read the following Townsend Energy Blog Posts:
Tips when preparing for the frigid cold
Important Information Regarding Fuel Delivery and Service
Call Townsend Energy For All Of Your Home Heating Needs
If you want to learn more about how to prevent frozen pipes, have questions about one of our services, or would like to schedule an appointment, call Townsend Energy today. Our experienced and certified technicians will discuss your needs and requirements to help you find the best home heating solutions for you.
Townsend Energy is a full-service HVAC company that services residential and commercial properties throughout New England. We offer a range of heating and cooling services, including HVAC installations, repairs, tune-ups, and more. Our experienced, certified professionals can find the best home heating and cooling solutions for your home while working with your budget. We aim to improve your home’s level of energy efficiency, comfort, and indoor air quality. We back our work by a warranty to ensure your satisfaction. Also, we provide free, in-home estimates. Call Townsend Energy today.
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